△浜松市初生町100 「まなびの広場」小中学生の勉強、将棋と大人も含めユーモアを教えます。一時間1,000円。youtube、https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR7yI7iJRJ6rNBWI9wCeHQg

Year Number Rap

Year number rap

Year number rap 2

Year of double-digit Epic
Rule. First two words express the number of the year of double-digit
A(1 letter) hell(4 letters) 14

1914 A(1) hell(4) W.W.Ⅰbegan. Total war by using chemical weapons, tanks and airplanes.

1920 We(2)love(0), League of Nations.

1928 In(2) assembly(8), Kellogg-Briand Pact.
1929 In (2) recession (9) , World depression had come.

1930 Tax(3) no(0), Mahatma Gandhi ‘s 200-mile protest march.

1931 New(3) !(1) Five-Year Plan.

1932 Mad(3) is(2) that the Japanese prime minister Tsuyoshi Inukai is assassinated.

1933 New(3) FDR (3)(Franklin D. Roosevelt),New Deal. in response to the Great Depression.
1934 The(3) last(4) emperor, Manchuria becomes Manchukuo

1935 Try(3) Adolf(5) Hitler, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles.

1936 Cry(3) battle(6),Spanish Civil War.

1937 Cry(3) Picasso(7), completes Guernica.

1938 Oil(3), discover(8)! in Saudi Arabia.

1939 Mad(3) adversity(9) W.W.Ⅱ had started.

1940 Bold(4) no(0) care, Japan enters French Indochina.

1941 Arms(4) ×(1), Pearl Harbor.

1942 Both(4) of(2) Navy is to the full, the Battle of Midway.

1943 Lost(4) are(3) Germany, the Battle of Stalingrad.

1944 Tear(4) Nazi(4), D-Day.

1945 1945 Arms(4) abuse(5), atomic bomb exploded.

1946 Good(4) UNESCO(6). Fund(4) UNICEF(6).

1947 Call(4) between(7) the Soviet Union and the United States , a "Cold War".

1948 They(4) expelled(8) , Palestinian exodus.

1949 Army(4), Communist(9) Party of China enter Beijing.

1950  Korea(5) no(0) nuclear weapons! Douglas MacArthur threatens to use.

1951 Peace(5) a(1) treaty,Treaty of San Francisco: 48 nations sign with Japan.

1953 Human(5) DNA(3).

1955 Avoid(5) buses(5), a Black people's boycott begins.

1956 Egypt(5), Nasser(6) nationalizes the Suez Canal .

1958 Found(5) European(8) Economic Community

1960 Africa(6) start(0) independence.

1963 Murder(6) JFK(3).

1965 1965 Absurd(6) awful. (5) The North Vietnam bombing by the US Army

1968 Crisis(6) civilian(8). The Prague Spring of political liberalization ends with Warsaw Pact troops,

1969 Apollo (6) astronaut(9) , Men can go to the moon.

1971 Dollars (7) ×(1), the United States won’t convert to gold.

1972 Okinawa(7) is(2) returned to Japan.

1973 Impulse(7) Oil(3) crisis.

1975 Painful(7) order(5) ,we have to repair by Summit.

1976 Company (7) Apple(6) Computer is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

1979 Nuclear(7) breakdown(9) power plant, at Three Mile Island,

1983 Nintendo(8) new(3) Famicom.

1985 Humanityl(8) world(5), "We Are the World" is recorded by USA for Africa.
Discover(8) ozone(5) hole.

1986 Disaster:(8), atomic(6) plant exploded at Chernobyl

1989 Adorable(8) carpenter(9) break Berlin Wall.

1990 Wonderful(9) start(0), German reunification between East Germany and West Germany.

1991 Overthrow(9) a(1) country, Disintegration of the Soviet Union

Notorious(9) a(1) man, Hussein was beaten by Gulf War.
1993 Marvelous(9) act(3) EU.

1995 Absurdity (9) Sarin(5) incident on the subways caused by the Aum Shinriky

2001 !(1) First of Wikipedia.
×(1) terrible attacks by airplanes.

2003 War(3) breaks out in Iraq.

2004 Ache(4) in Sumatra tsunami.

2006 Wonder(6) if International Astronomical Union excludes Pluto from planet, classifies the dwarf planet.

2011 Radioactive(11) pollution, Fukushima Nuclear power Plants

2013 A(1) bad(3) meteorite falls in Russia.

同じカテゴリー(Year of double-digit epic)の記事



Year Number Rap